Urban Christian Apparel – A Review

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Clickable images to Divinely Taylored Apparel Website.

Urban Christian Apparel is not a new movement, but it is a modern and positive one. Ever heard of the term, “oldie but goodie”? This is it. Some modern styles may diversify and repeat over time; however, the concept and message are not new. If you have read any of my previous posts, I promote and encourage positive, biblical habits to help you achieve your goals. Much of the encouragement was shared through the book, Supernatural is Normal, Divine Favor music and through the urban Christian apparel brand, Divinely Taylored Apparel.

This unique urban Christian apparel brand name “Divinely” derives from the term, “by the power of God”. Taylored is a variant of “tailored” and shares the owner’s last name. Her brand is based from the scripture, Proverbs 18:21 that says,

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof”.

To learn more about speaking over yourself, check out my post, Is Health A State of Mind?

T-shirts and hoodies bear the unique Divinely Taylored hashtag on the back of each clothing. Positive messages  are on the front or back. Some of the t-shirts even display the getwisdomwealthy.com website.  The brand’s owner, Michele Taylor caters to you by providing messages that you can apply to yourself for encouragement.

Although urban Christian apparel is usually supported by the young Black American demographic,  other races and age groups of men and women have purchased urban Christian clothing. Some clothing include message tees, sweatshirts, hoodies and facial coverings for inspiration and fashion. I will share with you my insight and opinion of urban Christian clothing such as the new Divinely Taylored Apparel brand.  Here are some pros and cons of the brand.

Pros: Divinely Taylored Urban Christian Apparel Have Inspired People Who Wear It.

Divinely Taylored Apparel (or DTA) launched November 1, 2020. It has only been off the launching pad for a few months by the time this post was written. During its short time, Divinely Taylored Apparel received 5 star reviews for the great quality of clothing, inspirational statements and consistent introduction of new products to the customers. New designs, apparel, accessories, discounts and flash sales are shared on special occasions and new seasons.

For example, from January through February 14th, Divinely Taylored Apparel is currently running a 20% discount sale with clickable coupon codes and the coupon code MYGIFT20. To sign up for free updates, inspiration and more discounts & freebies, just click below. It’s free to join:

—–>>>>>  I Want My Gift! <<<<<—–

This Urban Christian Apparel Brand Stays Connected With Clients

Another pro to Divinely Taylored Apparel is the relationship with its customers. She (yes, she) is not your usual  urban Christian apparel store.  Divinely Taylored treats you as family because you are considered family. She stays connected with customers through its free “I Want My Gift!” membership listed above, not just for the brand itself, but for the message behind the brand.

When you sign up, you receive a thank you message. From then on, you will occasionally receive inspirational messages, biblical scriptures and encouragement you need to thrive and not just survive. You are not bombarded with emails and spammy selling. Its owner, Michele Taylor checks in with you. She also shares new products and discounts and occasionally gives you a little pick-me-up to hopefully make your day a little brighter.

You can contact Michele at her email address that is listed in the email anytime you have a need, question or suggestion.

Divinely Taylored Apparel Has A User-Friendly Website.

Whenever you visit the Divinely Taylored Apparel website, you have access to the dropdown menu in the upper right

corner for the item you search for. Its colorful designs and models show you how the clothes look when wearing.  There is also a size chart and some color options to choose from.

When there is an unlisted color or item, and there will be, simply contact Michele and she will custom make your product for you. If the item can not be provided in the right size or style for you, you can receive a replacement item at a discounted price. Just click the pic to check it out.

This leads us to the next pro.

Divinely Taylored Urban Christian Apparel Custom-Designs Your Gifts For Free.

DT provides great customer service. Although the site consists of clothing, it will list other accessories upon request, such as designer cups, phone cases, tote bags and home goods such as pillowcases and shower curtains.

Anything you desire that can be available but is unlisted will be custom designed for you. Just contact Divinely Taylored and she will take care of you.

Con: Not Enough Reviews To Know Whether Or Not If These Urban Clothing Products Are Good.

Let’s face the fact that without social proof, it is easy to dismiss and overlook a company, product or service. A couple good reviews can be deemed just as bad as a bunch of negative reviews. No one can say anything if they don’t know about the product or service. They don’t know about Divinely Taylored if it is not seen. That’s why marketing by word of mouth is important. By the way, these honest reviews below are real on Divinely Taylored’s website. However,  if you already own a Divinely Taylored item, the brand needs your honest review to better serve you.

Marketing the website and design is still a learning curve and is not the owner’s strong point yet. Therefore, if you have received or purchased anything from Divinely Taylored Apparel, feel free to leave her a review in the reviews menu of her FB website here and like her page.

Go Get Your Gift.

Receive a bigger discount incentive for helping spread the word about Divinely Taylored Apparel. Some have taken the fun challenge of posting selfies in their new Divinely Taylored gear. Some posted their favorite hashtag and scripture. Some have even tagged the owner or each other on FB or IG during the challenge.

Either way you choose, share the link or tell someone about DTA. Word of mouth and sharing link are great ways to share your experience of wearing Divinely Taylored Apparel.

Whenever you spread the word, you will get a free membership and a 30% discount code on your next purchase. Simply email Michele at divinelytaylored@yahoo.com with a screenshot of your post to ensure your post was seen, and you will receive the link to your free membership and free discount code.

Overall, wearing DT Apparel has been a rewarding experience. The hoodies and tees feel soft and warm and the community has been friendly and responsive in sharing their own clothing wear experiences. Just know that when you need encouragement during these times, Divinely Taylored Apparel encourages and inspires you to “speak a positive word  over yourself and wear it well” .


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6 thoughts on “Urban Christian Apparel – A Review”

  1. Hi,
    I found your post very interesting because I hadn’t heard about this brand. We live in a society where you have to gain someone’s interest to ever gain their ear. With so many options in the clothing business, it takes a significant brand to stand out. And this seems to be the case with Divinely Taylored Apparel . Thank you very much for this post.

    • Hi Ann. You are welcome. Thank you for commenting. Please feel free to check out the brand link and share it. As in the post, you get an incentive for sharing it. 

  2. Hi, I bought one of your hoodies. I love it. It’s true to size, soft and very comfortable. I have a friend that bought a t shirt and she agreed that the material is so soft and comfortable. Thanks to
    Divinely Taylored. I love this store!!

  3. Hi!!! I think that this is Amazing… We need something such as this.. Thank you for shedding His light through the gift that He’s given you.. I will definitely be ordering from you soon 🥰


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